Thursday, 23 June 2011

The ups and Down’s of life….Oh Hell’s to the No!

Hello my fellow blogger and follower….You know who you are.  I want to take the time to tell you a little bit about who I am and why I blog.  My name is Rebecca….Bex for short. This is a name given to me by one of the smartest people I know; he is my brother from another mother.  I am married to a wonderful Man named Alan and I have an amazing 2 ½ Year old son named Oliver.  My life is not perfect by any means but I am happy most of the time. I work for a company in the city that I live in. This company will remain nameless for now ;-)  I have worked for this “company” for almost 7 years and do enjoy my job most of the time. I work with a group of people that at times can drive me crazy, much like a family.   I come from a somewhat large family; I am the baby of the family.  I have 3 Brothers and 3 sisters; however I lost of my sisters to a drunk driver in October 1992, Something I will save for another blog.
Life has many ups and downs,  I grow up in a lower income (poor) house hold, we did not have much but what we did have we valued dearly.  At one time we have 7 of us living in a three bedroom townhouse; my room was the storage closet.  I thought it was great because I was the only one that did not have to share a room with anyone.  My parents were apart more than they were together, my mom made sure we all had what we needed when we needed, hot lunch days at school and field trips. She made sure we participated in all of them.   She never wanted us to feel left out because we did not have as much money as some people.  At Christmas she would also make sure we would get at least one of the things we asked for.    Growing up this way made me the person I am today, I value what I have and I work extra hard for everything.
I met my husband when I was in my grad year, 1999/2000.  One of my best friends at the time told me about this guy that was friends with her boyfriend, she said that would be perfect for me, I really think she just wanted me to have a boyfriends too so I was like “OK sounds good to me” :D
She set it up, a Halloween party October 30, 1999 her boyfriend had invited Alan, I remember sitting on the front steps of his house waiting, smoking and drinking. I was 18 and thought I knew EVERYTHING.  He pulled up in his Jeep, this awesome hunter green Jeep YJ.  I remember I put out my smoke and ran back in the house.  He came in sat down and we started chatting. I thought WOW there is no way this guy will like me. Turns out he did, fast forward 11 ½ years later J

Now on to why I blog, I mentioned in my first blog that I recently left facebook…I know right? I got out…You can too.  The reason for this was because there was too much drama for one person to take.  I understand that like me people use it as a outlet to get what is on their mind out, but when one of the people are using it to verbally bash and harass someone (that someone being me), first I said “Oh hell’s to the NO” but then  I said ok enough is enough.   I know I could have deleted this person and blocked them but it is not that easy.  The person doing it was my own sister, again something I will save for another blog.  I find that sometimes I need to vent what I am feeling or just share  ransoms that I think everyone would enjoy reading.  My friend has her own website/blog and I always thought wow I would love to do that. Then I thought the day after leaving facebook that I should start a blog. Even if no one reads what I have to say I am getting it out there and it is making me feel better.
Some of my blogs will be good, some might be sad and some might just be downright strange but they all will be from me.
There you have it, a shortish run down of my life, who I am and why.

1 comment:

  1. Although I'm sad to see you leave Facebook (I'm too addicted to ever leave!) I completely understand & am so excited to see you start a blog of your own. I will definitely be a faithful follower :o)
