Thursday, 23 February 2012

Oh yes I am Done!

Hello All,

It has been a while, almost a moth. I wanted to announce that on January 31, 2012 at 7:57PM my beautiful daughter Charlie Dawn was born. She weighed 7 Pounds and 14 Ounces and was 21 inches long. Now she is 9 Pounds 3.5 Ounces. She is getting so big.

When I wrote my last post on the 30th I thought I was going to be pregnant for at least another week. I had no clue what the doctor had in store for me.

My sister came out from Kelowna on the 30th and we decided that we were going to have some Raspberry tea. I head this will induce labor. After my cup of tea I started to have contraction every 5 to 15 min apart, I thought again like very other time that when I went to bed they would just stop. This time they didn’t, I woke up in the morning and I still had them. They were coming more regular and getting stronger. I though wow maybe I might have this baby in a few days. At this point it was 8:30 in the morning and the phone rang, I thought it was Alan making his morning call to see how things were going. Nope it was the doctors; they had changed my appointment from Friday to that morning at 1050. I then had to get my poor sister up who was so tired from staying up late with me and not to mention the horrible bus ride the night before. I told her the doctor wanted to see today rather then Friday. Like any great big sister she got up right away.

We headed to the doctors office and I went in she checked the heart beat, measured my belly and told me the baby has not grown too much more since my last appointment 6 days before. She then checked me to see if I had dilated any more or not. She was very happy because I had dilated and she said the head was down. She told me to go to the hospital for 3 and she would look at breaking my water or doing something to get my labor more regular. She also told me to call Alan and tell him to be home for 3.

I finished in the doctors and called Alan, I told him he had to be home for 3 and that it was looking more like we were going to have our baby that night. I began to cry right there in super store (doctors office is located in super store) it was becoming real. I was really going to finally meet this little baby that has been kicking the crap out of me for months.

We went home and the contractions starting coming on stronger. I drank some more tea because the doctor said that there is a good chance it did in fact induce my labor and she told me to go drink more, she said if I could go to the hospital on my own with out her having to break my water that would be better.

3 o’clock rolled around and Alan was home. My sister said she would watch Oliver for us and we headed off to the hospital. All the time we are thinking they are going to break my water and send me home, or give me something to speed labor along and then send me home. We checked in and the nurses had no clue that Doctor Madill had ask me to come in for 3. They got me set up in a delivery room and called her. Finally after many more contraction and nurses asking every question they could the resident doctor that works with Doctor Madill came in to check me first, She said I had not progressed at all and that she would leave it up to Dr. Madill. At 5PM Doc Madill came in and checked me. She said I had progressed and I was almost 6 centimeters. She had the other doctor check me again. Funny thing was I had progressed from 4 to 6 centimeters in a matter of 5 minutes.

Dr.Madill broke my water and unleashed the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. I was worth it because I have Charlie.

With in just under 3 hours I was holding my little baby girl in my arms, Alan asked me if I wanted to do it again, and I NO!!!

I am done.

All the pain I went through the last month of my pregnancy and for the deliver was all worth it because I have my little baby girl, But Oh yes I am done!!!


Monday, 30 January 2012

Ok...The time has come for you to get out!

Hello all,

It is January 30, 2012. I am two days over my due date and I have been in labor since Friday January 20th. Needless to say this baby does not want to come out any time soon. I went to the hospital because I thought something was happening just to find out nothing was happening. They ended up keeping me over night because the baby decided to relax a little more then the Doctors would have liked. One IV, a sleepless night and one more ultrasound later and the baby is just fine.

I went home and back to more contractions and more pain. This time I waited 24 hours. Went back to the hospital, this time...Hooray something was happening. They gave me a shot for the pain and sent me home and said see you in a few hours. YEAH RIGHT!!

I went home all doped up and went to sleep to to wake up with the same irregular contractions as before.

Went to the doctors at the end of the week and she said I am in labor and I am progressing just not that fast.

I love be pregnant and I cannot wait to meet this little bundle but I have come to the realization that this will defiantly be my last pregnancy. It was a good pregnancy all around but this last month has been really hard on my body, and I am not young any more.

I cannot do things for my self anymore and my poor husband is stuck making dinner almost all the time because it is so hard for stand and cook. I feel like I can't do anything any more.

I have been having a lot of dreams about the baby, some good and some strange. All and all I would love god to decided when would be the best time for this baby to come and stop dicking my around :)

For anyone out there who has been pregnant they know how hard the last month is and all this complaining is perfectly normal. I would do it all over again if I had to.

I hope my next blog update will be the birth announcement of this child.

Here to hoping that is sooner then later ;)


Sunday, 1 January 2012

Good bye 2011, Hello 2012

Today is January 1, 2012. The first day of the new year. 2011 saw some real changes in my life, some of which I am sure were for the better even if there are times I don’t feel that way.

2011 saw the beginning of a long friendship with my old friend Mandy. We decided that we were going to give our friendship another go. And we did and we are great friends now, the key, total honesty no matter how much it hurts.

I have been able to also build a strong relationship with my best friend Athena, She has really showed me that no matter what she is going to always be there for me, and I love her for that. I just die if I did not have her in my life, and it took some time to realize that without her in my life it would suck. She is my Children’s Auntie and always will be. You don’t need blood to be an Auntie you just need time love and patients. I know that when she has children of her own I will be there Auntie and I can’t wait.

2011 also saw the end of my relationship with my sister and her children. This was a hard thing for me, I love my nieces and nephews and they had nothing to do with what happened between their mother and I but in the end I can’t have a relationship with them without her being a part of it so I had to cut ties. This would have to be one of the hardest parts for me, knowing that I am never to going to see them grow up. On this same topic my niece Mackenzie was born, I got to hold her when she was hours old and again when she was only a few weeks old. If I had known then it was would be the last time I would ever get to hold her, I probably would have told her I loved her and would always be there for her. I did not know then that the hate my sister had for me would speared to her oldest daughter that I was trying to rebuild a relationship with, It did and now I don’t even have her or her children. I tend to forget that with me losing that part of my life, Oliver lost his Aunt and cousins too. And this new baby that is due in just weeks will never get to know that part of my family. I know it is for a good reason, someone that can spread such hate should not be part of anyone’s life. For me it was something I grew up with and did not know there was anything different out there until I met Alan. He told me that I deserve to be happy and I deserve to smile every day, and he is right.

In 2011 I saw my mom’s mind slip away from her, and I am still seeing that. Not many people know what I am going through with my mom and I don’t like to talk about it because it is one of those things that I never thought would happen to my mom. She was always the one I could call and tell anything to, now I call her and I can tell her the same thing five times and she still acts like it is the first time she is hearing it. It is not always like this but it is for the most part. The worst part is she does not think that there is anything wrong and that it is me. I cry thinking how I wish I still had my mom to talk to and it makes me sick to think that those who do have a mother to talk to and they treat them like crap.
I do everything for my mom, I take her shopping, I pay her bills and I also make sure she is not leaving beyond her means. My mom does not get it when I say there is no money even if there is because she is use to my sister taking her card and just doing everything and leaving her with nothing. I have made it so my mom has not had to be in the red at all. It is hard because if it was up to my mom she would spend all her money at once and would not get that it is gone. I am hoping that this year my mom will seek the help she needs and we can get her back on track, because if not I am not sure how much more I can handle.

Not all was bad in 2011, I had some good moments. Mandy got married in June to the man of her dreams. When you think fairy tale you thing knight in shining armor, you see a princess. And that is just what she is. She had her fairy tale ending. She met her soul mate, and man that vowed to never get married again, someone who had been hurt so badly before that he never wanted to go through that kind of pain again. I don’t blame him, but with much love, understanding and hard work he realized that he was wrong and he had found that one person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with in Mandy. He popped the question to her on Christmas Eve (3 Years ago?) She of course said yes, she was in love. Fast forward 3 years and a whole lot of stuff later, they got married June 2011. That day I learned something about Mandy’s husband. He loves her 100% with his whole heart; the way he looks at her could melt anyone’s heart. There is a true connection there, this is true love. Mandy and I always joke that she broke him, that she married the man that would not commit, but real I think he was committed all along he just wanted to make her sweat. I see how happy he makes her and how happy she makes him. I thank god that I am a part of their lives again and that I will always be a part of their lives.

In 2011 I found out I was expecting again, I found out on May 22, 2011 I was pregnant. I took a test because of some dreams both my mother in-law and I had. Those dreams were right. I was so scared for the first 4 months, I had the same fears that every woman has, but mine were so deep because months before I had miscarried at 10 weeks gestation, after being told the baby was healthy. Needless to say with this one at my 11 week ultrasound I was a little freaked out. The tech re-assured me that the baby was fine and had a heart beat. Oh boy does it ever! I am now only 4 weeks away from the due date of this little one and I can’t wait. I keep thinking that the baby is going to come soon. I feel very blessed to be expecting again and at the same time glad that this is going to be the last time I am pregnant, Alan and I decide that two is enough for us, yes even if it is another boy. The last few months have been hard on me and because of how many miscarriages I have had it is better I stop while I am head. I have my wonderful son Oliver who is learning new things every day and amazes me every day with how much he knows he is a geniuses, I don’t know how but he is.

2011 also brought my Uncle David to me, I met him when I was a baby, and I am 30 now. So you could say it has been about 27 years since I saw my Uncle David.  Uncle David is my Dad’s brother, His 100% full blood brother. That also makes him and my cousins my 100% full blood relatives. I don’t have a lot of 100% full anything. I have a very blended family, but for some reason I have always felt close to the Abercrombie’s. We don’t have the same last time but that is because of things that happened when my dad was growing up. But we are Abercrombie’s and I have always felt welcomed with open arms by each and every one of them. Seeing Uncle David again was so unreal, I only had a few hours with him but it was enough for me to study his face, hands, and his mannerisms. He is much like my dad and that made me feel good. I was so glad that Oliver got to meet his great Uncle David as well, but I am disappointed that Alan had to work. I want to plan a trip to see everyone this year (2012) I hope it happens. I don’t want to forget that I also got to see my Auntie Darleen, David’s wife.

No matter what happened in 2011 is nothing in comparison to what is going to happen in 2012.

I am going to be a better person, a better wife, a better Mother and Friend. I am going to listen to Alan and be happy because I have the perfect life with him. He is my knight in shining armor and he came in and swooped me off my feet and we road off into the sunset to our castle. 2012 is going to bring the birth of our new Son or Daughter. It is also going to bring a full year off with my family. I am going to live everyday this year like it is my last; I am going to do my best to be that person Alan knows I am.

I am going to love everyone and show those who can’t love how to love. I am going to make that break though with personal relationships and personal goals. I am not going to say I can’t I am going to say I can!

Good bye 2011, Hell0 2012.
